Dottoro Theme is being discontinued.
There will not be a direct replacement for Dottoro Theme services within Dottoro's product portfolio.
It is recommended that you consider alternative vendor solutions as early as possible.
We understand that this announcement may be unwelcome news to you and your organization.
We want to thank for your loyalty and support, and we are very grateful in having you as our customer. We hope you will find the right replacement solution during your time of transition.
Dottoro team

Packed with Features

They make themes better

General Options

We put great emphasis on the themes to be as user friendly and versatile as possible so the setting options are built into the WordPress system. With this we achieved the theme settings to be displayed in a fully White Paper mode. Also, the options are placed where they should take their effect.
According to this, you will find settings options on every post and page, there are post type dependent features and general options as well that apply to the whole website. Some of these general options are the following:

Custom Search Code

By providing a search area code you can override default search options. This feature can be useful if you want to apply Google, Bing or other custom search service to your website.

Header includes

Here you can set HTML contents that will be inserted at the end of every page's HEAD section. This feature is primarily designed for various site analytic services but can be useful for inserting other HTML content as well.


This feature enables you to set a favicon. This is icon will appear in the location bar of the browsers and in the bookmarks list.

Page navigation settings

With the help of this feature you will have full control over the pagination. You can specify whether to use text or numbers as page links, you can set the number of pages that will be displayed after and before the current page, the previous text and the text to follow.

Author Links

Here you can set whether author links should open the author's page in the blog or their website set in their WordPress admin panel.

Type of Post Lists

With this feature you can set whether searches should be displayed as a simple or extended list in search, author and 404 pages.

Default Post Type

Here you can specify the default post type used by widgets. You can set every widget to auto mode. This means that the widget will adapt to the post type of the page. Post type independent pages will apply the settings of this menu.

Logo Image

This feature allows you to set a header logo image to your pages.

Breadcrumb Settings

Here you can adjust the settings of breadcrumbs.