<defaults tint="0x000000" />
For further details about the <general> tag, please see the config XML file section.
Slides specify the image, the description and the visual appearance, and the transitions specify a slide changing effect.
Tags are parsed in source order, so the order of slide tags determine the order they appear. Default slide settings specified in the general tag can be overridden for any slide. Default transition settings specified in the general tag can be overridden for any transition.
The images in the Flash application have to be the same dimensions.
You have to set the width and height properties of the object and embed tags in the HTML file, according to the size of your images.
For further instructions, please see the How to set the flash movie in the HTML document section.
<defaults width="600" height="300" />
<link target="_blank">http://tools.dottoro.com</link>
For further details about the <link> tag and its available properties, please see the <showcase> / <slide> / <link> tag.
<link target="_blank">http://tools.dottoro.com</link>
<link target="_blank">http://tools.dottoro.com</k>
<heading>My Image Heading</heading>
<paragraph>The description</paragraph>
The link tag specifies the URL of the document that should be opened when the user clicks on the description. The heading and the paragraph set the title and body of the description.
<link target="_blank">http://tools.dottoro.com</link>
<link target="_blank">http://tools.dottoro.com</link>
<heading font="Trebuchet MS" italic="yes" size="10">My Image Heading</heading>
<paragraph>The description</paragraph>
<tweenIn width="440" x="80" alpha="0.8" rotation="0"/>
For further details about the link tag and its available properties, please see the <showcase> / <slide> / <description> tag.
The user interface elements, such as the prev and next buttons can be described in the general tag, but these settings can be overwritten at each slide.
<defaults round_corners="5,5,5,5"/>
<tweenOver tint="0x00ff00" scaleX="1.1" scaleY="1.1"/>
<tweenOut tint="0x00ff00" />
<tweenIn tint="0x00ff00" />
For further details about the settings of user interface elements, please see the <general> / <prev_button>, <next_button> tags.
<transition type="flip" delay="0.05" />
<transition direction="left" rows="3" cols="5" />
<transition acceleration="strong" z_multiplier="5" />
For further details, please check the <general> / <transition> and <showcase> / <transition> tags.
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="800" height="400" codebase="http://fpdownload.adobe.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0">
<param name="movie" value="dottoro_showcase.swf" />
<!-- Optional params -->
<param name="play" value="true" />
<param name="loop" value="true" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
<!-- END Optional -->
<param name="flashvars" value="xmlpath=http://example.com/config.xml">
<embed src="dottoro_showcase.swf" width="800" height="400" play="true" loop="true" quality="high" wmode="transparent" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" flashvars="xmlpath=http://example.com/config.xml" />
The URL of the config XML file can be set with the FlashVars parameter (absolute paths are recommended). It is useful if you would like to display different slideshows on different pages.
<param name="FlashVars" value="xmlpath=http://tools.dottoro.com/config.xml" />
<embed ... FlashVars="xmlpath= http://tools.dottoro.com/config.xml" ... />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<defaults width="840" height="330"/>
<defaults interval="5000"/>
<defaults round_corners="10, 10, 10, 10"/>
<heading font="Trebuchet MS" size="13" letterspacing="10" margin="10, 25, 5, 25"/>
<paragraph size="13"/>
<tweenin width="620" x="80" alpha="1" tint="0x121212"/>
<tweenout width="620" x="80" alpha="1" tint="0x121212"/>
<defaults round_corners="5,5,5,5"/>
<tweenover tint="0xFFFFFF" scalex="1.1" scaley="1.1"/>
<tweenout tint="0xFFFFFF"/>
<tweenover tint="0x000000"/>
<defaults round_corners="5,5,5,5"/>
<tweenover tint="0xFFFFFF" scalex="1.1" scaley="1.1"/>
<tweenout tint="0xFFFFFF"/>
<tweenover tint="0x000000"/>
<link target="_blank">http://example.com</link>
<link target="_blank">http://example.com</link>
<heading>First Slide heading</heading>
<paragraph>first slide description ...</paragraph>
<transition direction="top" rows="3" cols="3" duration="3" delay="0.2" acceleration="back" easing="out" start_origin="bottomtop" type="x-cuber" z_multiplier="1"/>
<heading>Second slide title</heading>
<paragraph>second slide description ...</paragraph>
<transition direction="bottom" duration="3" type="cuber" delay="0.05" cols="5" z_multiplier="0.2" acceleration="bounce"/>
<transition direction="left" rows="3" cols="1" duration="3" delay="0.2" acceleration="back" easing="out" start_origin="bottomtop" type="cuber" z_multiplier="0.8"/>
<transition direction="top" rows="3" cols="2" type="blend" acceleration="regular" z_multiplier="2"/>
The images in the Flash application have to be the same dimensions.
You have to set the width and height properties of the object and embed tags in the HTML file, according to the size of your images.
For further instructions, please see the How to set the flash movie in the HTML document section.
<defaults width="600" height="300" tint="0x000000" />
Defaults: | |
tint | 0x000000 |
width | no default |
height | no default |
<defaults interval="5" />
<defaults interval="5" />
<tweenOver tint="0x00ffff"/>
<tweenOut tint="0xffff00" />
<tweenIn tint="0x00ff00" />
For further instructions, please visit the tweens section.
tag contains those settings which cannot be changed at the tweenIn, tweenOut, and tweenOver tag.
Possible attributes: | |
Round_corners | Sets the corner radius of buttons, in pixels (in the following order, separated by commas: top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right). |
<defaults round_corners="5,5,5,5" />
For further instructions, please visit the tweens section.
Possible attributes: | |
type | specifies the appearance of the arrow |
<defaults type="1" />
For further instructions, please visit the tweens section.
tag contains those settings which cannot be changed at the tweenIn, tweenOut, and tweenOver tag.
Possible attributes: | |
round_corners | Sets the corner radius of buttons, in pixels (in the following order, separated by commas: top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right). |
height | Determines whether the height of the description box should be set according to the displayed text, or it should be the value set in the tweenIn tag. Possible values: "auto" or "user". |
With the help of the paragraph tag a longer description text and its visual appearance can be defined.
Available properties of the <paragraph> tag: | |
font | Specifies the type of the font. |
align | Specifies the alignment of the text. (left | center | right) |
color | Specifies the color of the paragraph text (color code, example 0x000000). |
leading | An integer that marks the vertical space between the paragraph lines. |
letterSpacing | An integer, which represents the space between each characters. |
margin | A comma-separated list of four integers that specify the left, top, right and bottom margins in this order. |
size | Specifies the size of the text. |
bold | Specifies whether the text should be displayed as bold, or not. (true | false) |
italic | Specifies whether the text should be displayed as italic, or not. (true | false) |
underline | Specifies whether the text should be underlined, or not. (true | false) |
It is recommended to use a font type that commonly be found in all computers. Provided one that is not available on the user's computer, it will be transformed automatically to Times New Roman, or its alternative (times).
<heading font="Arial" bold ="yes" size="12" />
<paragraph font="Arial" bold ="no" size="10" />
For further instructions, please visit the tweens section.
Possible attributes: | |
type | Specifies the type of the desired transition. Possible values: flip | blend | cuber | x-cuber |
rows | Specifies the number of rows. In other words, sets into how many parts the whole image has to be split horizontally |
cols | Specifies the number of rows. In other words, sets into how many parts the whole image has to be split vertically |
direction | Specifies the direction of rotation. Possible values: top | left | right | bottom |
start_origin | If the image is split into multiple parts and the delay is set, then the start_origin attribute specifies where the effect should start. Possible values: topleft | topright | bottomright | bottomleft |
duration | Specifies the duration of the effect, in seconds. |
delay | Specifies the delay between the start time of group effects, in seconds. |
acceleration |
Specifies the type of the motion.
Possible values:
easing |
Determine at which part of the tween the effect shall be applied.
Possible values:
tint | Specifies the default color of the cube. It takes effect only at cuber, and x-cuber animations. |
z_multiplier | Specifies the offset on the Z axis, compared to the rotation value. In other words, how far the element should be pushed back during the animation. It does not affect the Blind animation. |
Tags are parsed in source order, so the order of slide tags determine the order they appear. Default slide settings specified in the general tag can be overridden for any slide. Default transition settings specified in the general tag can be overridden for any transition.
Possible attributes: | |
Target |
Specifies the target window or frame where the document is to be opened.
possible values:
<link target="_blank">http://tools.dottoro.com</link>
<link target="_blank">http://tools.dottoro.com</link>
<heading>Put your heading here!</heading>
<paragraph>Paragraph text</paragraph>
Tween attributes: | |
Duration | specifies the effect duration, in second |
Start |
Specifies the delay before the effect starts, in seconds.
Basically, when a slide transition ends, user interface elements' tween-in effects start.
You can delay this process with the start property of the tweenIn tag.
User interface elements disappear before slide transitions start. The animation duration can be defined in the duration property. If the start property is not defined in the tweenOut, the fading animation will end just about at the beginning of the next transition. If you would like to modify this, you need to set the start property of the tweenOut tag. Both in the tweenIn and tweenOut tags, the value of the start property is relative to the end time of the last transition. In the tweenOver tag, the start property specifies when the tweenOvers animation should start after the user hovers the mouse over the element. At the beginning, this value is set to 0. |
x | specifies the element X coordinate, in pixels |
y | specifies the element Y coordinate, in pixels |
width | specifies the element width, in pixels |
height | specifies the elements height, in pixels |
rotation | specifies the rotation of the element, in degrees |
tint | specifies the element color ( in 0xRRGGBB format ) |
alpha | specifies the transparency (floating-point number 0-1 , 0 - full transparency) |
scaleX | specifies the X scaling |
scaleY | specifies the Y scaling |
Simple examples:
<tweenIn y="200" />
<tweenOut y="400" >
<tweenOver y="200" />
If the y coordinate is altering in the tweenIn and in the tweenOut, it will result a vertical movement, both at the appearing and at vanishing, - Moving, Coloring, Blending
<tweenIn y="200" alpha="0.8" tint="0x000000"/>
<tweenOut y="400" alpha="0" tint="0xffffff" />
<tweenOver y="200" alpha="1" tint="0xff0000" />
When the elements start to appear, transparency cumulates to 200px from 400px at horizontal, the transparency will change to 0.8 from 0, and the color changes to black from white. It is the same at the element vanishing, but backwards. If the cursor is over the element, the transparency disappears and the background will be red.