Dottoro Theme is being discontinued.
There will not be a direct replacement for Dottoro Theme services within Dottoro's product portfolio.
It is recommended that you consider alternative vendor solutions as early as possible.
We understand that this announcement may be unwelcome news to you and your organization.
We want to thank for your loyalty and support, and we are very grateful in having you as our customer. We hope you will find the right replacement solution during your time of transition.
Dottoro team

Dottoro Theme Documentation

Tutorial to get your theme to work

PrologueFirst StepsFront PageCreating a custom front pageBlog, News and Portfolio post typesPost Type specific settingsGeneral settingsSingle post settingsCategory / Tag / Date archive page settingsPermalink settingsOptions on single post pagesGeneral page optionsImage optionsGallery settingsPage Templates and PagesPage SettingsPage TemplatesPages created from page templatesGeneral page settingsGallery settingsBlog page settingsNews page settingsPortfolio and Imagefolio page settingsContact page settingsArchives page settingsAuthors page settingsBoomarks page settingsSitemap page settingsSpecial pagesCategory and tag page settingsArchive and date page settingsSearch page settingsAuthor page settings404 page settingsHeader and MenuSubheadersSubheader specific shortcodesPredefined SubheadersCreating SubheadersAssigning subheaders to pagesFooterWidgets in the FooterCopyright and other notices in the FooterSidebarWidgets on the SidebarWidth and alignment of the sidebarWidget AreasWidgetsBreadcrumbShortcodesShortcodes In Alphabetical OrderShortcodes By CategoriesNested ShortcodesPost TemplatesOverlaysMedia and External MediaOverview of galleries, gallery listings and slideshowsGalleries and Gallery ListingsAbout Galleries In GeneralCreating And Managing Galleries[gallery_list] shortcodeSlideshows and Popup SlideshowsSlideshowsPopup SlideshowsSlideshow SettingsMost Often Used Slideshow OptionsAll Slideshow OptionsSlideshow Templates - Slideshow Specific ShortcodesStyling Guide For SlideshowsStyling Of Slideshow and Post TemplatesSlidesPopupsSelectorsWeb FontsGeneral Theme SettingsUser RolesExport / Import SettingsCreating theme designsLocalizationHeadingsChild ThemesCSS ClassesResponsive DesignCSS Extension JavaScript ToolkitJavaScript LibraryAction HooksFilter HooksCompatibility Issues

Shortcodes within listings and slideshows

There are a couple of shortcodes that are designed to make the listings and slideshows more flexible.
These are:

Shortcode Supported in
Post List shortcodes
Supported in
[gallery_list] shortcode
Supported in
[slideshow] shortcode
Supported in
[slider_custom_slides] shortcode
[empty_list] Yes Yes Yes No
[before_list] Yes Yes Yes No
[after_list] Yes Yes Yes No
[query] Yes Yes Yes No
[selector] Yes Yes Yes Yes
[item_settings] Yes Yes Yes Yes
[popup_gallery_settings] Yes Yes Yes Yes
[pagination_settings] Yes No No No
[browsing_filter_settings] Yes No No No
[general_settings] No No Yes Partially
[dimension_settings] No No Yes No
[transition_settings] No No Yes No
[autoplay_settings] No No Yes No
[prev_next_settings] No No Yes No
[navigation_settings] No No Yes No
[range_settings] No No Yes No


Shortcode Supported in
Post List shortcodes
Supported in
[gallery_list] shortcode
Supported in
[slideshow] shortcode
Supported in
[slider_custom_slides] shortcode
[empty_list] Yes Yes Yes No

Allows you to specify a HTML content that will be displayed if the list/slideshow is empty.

[post_list ...]
		<h3>Sorry, no results found.</h3>

Attributes: No attributes.


Shortcode Supported in
Post List shortcodes
Supported in
[gallery_list] shortcode
Supported in
[slideshow] shortcode
Supported in
[slider_custom_slides] shortcode
[before_list] Yes Yes Yes No

Allows you to specify a HTML content that will be displayed above the list/slideshow, but only in the case if the list/slideshow is not empty.

[post_list ...]
		<h3>Latest news</h3>

Attributes: No attributes.


Shortcode Supported in
Post List shortcodes
Supported in
[gallery_list] shortcode
Supported in
[slideshow] shortcode
Supported in
[slider_custom_slides] shortcode
[after_list] Yes Yes Yes No

Allows you to specify a HTML content that will be displayed below the list/slideshow, but only in the case if the list/slideshow is not empty.

[post_list ...]
		<h3>Latest news</h3>
		<a href="#">More news</a>

Attributes: No attributes.


Shortcode Supported in
Post List shortcodes
Supported in
[gallery_list] shortcode
Supported in
[slideshow] shortcode
Supported in
[slider_custom_slides] shortcode
[query] Yes Yes Yes No

Allows you to specify the query parameters for a post list or slideshow.

categories Search for posts from certain categories. Format: slug of categories, separated by commas.
excluded_categories Exclude some categories from the post search. Format: slug of categories, separated by commas.
tags Search for posts with certain tags. Format: slug of tags, separated by commas.
excluded_tags Exclude some tags from the post search. Format: slug of categories, separated by commas.
day Search for posts that have been created on a certain day of the month (1-31).
monthnum Search for posts that have been created in a certain month. Possible values: 1-12.
year Search for posts that have been created in a certain year. The year must be specified in 4-digit format (e.g. 2014).
exclude_current_post Specifies whether the current post should be excluded from the list or not (true | false). Default is false.
If this attribute is set to true, the current post will always be excluded from the list regardless of the value of the excluded_post_ids attribute.
excluded_post_ids The identifiers of posts to exclude from the list, separated by commas. To get the identifier of a post, open its page on the admin panel and look at the URL in the location bar of your browser. The URL contains a 'post=number' substring, where the number is the identifier of the post.
If the exclude_current_post attribute is set to true, the current post will always be excluded from the list regardless of the value of the excluded_post_ids attribute.
filter_func Specifies the name of a PHP function that allows you to modify the query parameters. The filter function is useful if you want to set the query parameters dynamically and also when the attributes provided by the [query] shortcode does not give you enough flexibility.

For instance, if you want to show posts that have a category "tech" or "sport", then you can use the "categories" attribute for this purpose. But if you want to shows posts that are in both category "tech" and "sport", the "categories" attribute cannot be used. For this case, you can use the "filter_func" attribute.

This example shows how to display posts that are in both category "tech" and "sport" in a 3 column layout. Page content:

[post_list col_num="3"]
    [query posts_per_page="6" filter_func="my_post_list_query" /]
functions.php of your child theme:
function my_post_list_query ($query_args) {
    if (!isset ($query_args['tax_query'])) {
        $query_args['tax_query'] = array ();
    $query_args['tax_query'][] = array(
        'taxonomy' => 'category',
        'field'    => 'slug',
        'terms'    => 'tech',
    $query_args['tax_query'][] = array(
        'taxonomy' => 'category',
        'field'    => 'slug',
        'terms'    => 'sport',

    return $query_args;

The filter function gets the query parameters as a first argument ($query_args in the example above) and must return the query parameters. The query parameters must be in the same syntax as for the WP_Query function.
ignore_sticky_posts Specifies whether the sticky posts should be ignored (true | false). Default is false.
meta_key If the orderby attribute is set to meta_value or meta_value_num, the meta_key attribute specifies the name of the post meta to order by.
order Specifies the sort order direction ( DESC | ASC ). Default: DESC.
orderby Specifies the name of the sort field. Possible values:
  • ID: Order by post id
  • post__in: the posts will be in the same order as they are specified for the post_ids attribute
  • author: Order by author
  • title: Order by title
  • date: Order by date
  • meta_value: Order by string meta value. The meta_key attribute specifiies the name of the post meta to order by.
  • meta_value_num: Order by numeric meta value. The meta_key attribute specifiies the name of the post meta to order by.
  • modified: Order by last modified date
  • parent: Order by post/page parent id
  • comment_count: Order by number of comments
  • rand: Random order
  • none: No order
Default is date.
post_ids The identifiers of posts to show, separated by commas. To get the identifier of a post, open its page on the admin panel and look at the URL in the location bar of your browser. The URL contains a 'post=number' substring, where the number is the identifier of the post.
post_type Search for posts from the given post type.
This option is supported only if the query shortcode is within a [slideshow] or [gallery_list] shortcode. The post type is always "post", "news" and "portfolio" for the [post_list], new_list, [portfolio_list] shortcodes.
posts_per_page The number of posts to show.


Shortcode Supported in
Post List shortcodes
Supported in
[gallery_list] shortcode
Supported in
[slideshow] shortcode
Supported in
[slider_custom_slides] shortcode
[selector] Yes Yes Yes Yes

The selector shortcode allows you to specify individual settings for certain items in a listing or slideshow.

selector Specifies the selector expression. Selectors allow you to target posts and pages according to their post types, formats, categories, tags, authors, CSS classes and custom fields. Additionally, selectors can also be used for media not just posts. See Selectors for details.

There is shortcode that can be nested into the selector shortcode, the [item_settings] shortcode that allows you to apply custom settings to posts and media.

I want to display the 15 latest blog posts in a 3-column list and I want the posts whose Post CSS Class option is set to "red" to have a different thumbnail size as the other posts in the list.

In this post list, the thumbnail size is 200x150 for posts with ".red" CSS class and 100x75 in any other cases:

[post_list col_num="3"]
	[query posts_per_page="15" /]
	[item_settings media_width="100" media_height="75" /]
	[selector selector=".red"]
		[item_settings media_width="200" media_height="150" /]

I want to display the 15 latest blog posts in a 3-column list and I want the posts from the "tech" category to have a different thumbnail size as the other posts in the list.

In the following post list, the thumbnail size is 200x150 for posts from the "tech" category and 100x75 in any other cases. Since the WordPress shortcode parser does not accept square brackets within attributes, use curly brackets instead ({category=tech} instead of [category=tech])!

[post_list col_num="3"]
	[query posts_per_page="15" /]
	[item_settings media_width="100" media_height="75" /]
	[selector selector="{category=tech}"]
		[item_settings media_width="200" media_height="150" /]

I want to display the 15 latest blog posts in a 3-column list and I want the posts from the "tech" category to have a totally different look and feel as other posts in the list.

You should select a different post template for posts from the "tech" category as for other posts (more on Post Templates):

[post_list col_num="3"]
	[query posts_per_page="15" /]
	[item_settings post_template="post_template1" /]
	[selector selector="{category=tech}" /]
		[item_settings post_template="post_template2" /]

I have a gallery containing images. I want to display the images in a 3-column layout and I want certain images to be larger as the others in the listing.

You should add a unique CSS class to the "large" images (CSS Class option on the Edit Media screen). For instance if the corresponding images have a "large" CSS class, then you will need something like this:

[gallery_list galleries="name_of_gallery" col_num="3"]
	[item_settings media_width="100" media_height="70" /]
	[selector selector=".large" /]
		[item_settings media_width="200" media_height="150" /]

I have a gallery containing posts. I want to display them in a 3-column list and I want the posts whose Post CSS Class option is set to "red" to have a different thumbnail size as the other posts in the list.

In this post list, the thumbnail size is 200x150 for posts with ".red" CSS class and 100x75 in any other cases:

[gallery_list galleries="name_of_gallery" col_num="3"]
	[item_settings media_width="100" media_height="75" /]
	[selector selector=".red"]
		[item_settings media_width="200" media_height="150" /]

Multiple selector shortcodes can also be used.

For instance, to apply individial settings for posts from the "tech" and "sport" categories:

[post_list col_num="3"]
	[query posts_per_page="15" /]
	[item_settings media_width="100" media_height="75" /]
	[selector selector="{category=tech}"]
		[item_settings media_width="200" media_height="150" /]
	[selector selector="{category=sport}"]
		[item_settings media_width="300" media_height="225" /]

For further details, please see


Shortcode Supported in
Post List shortcodes
Supported in
[gallery_list] shortcode
Supported in
[slideshow] shortcode
Supported in
[slider_custom_slides] shortcode
[item_settings] Yes Yes Yes Yes

Allows you to specify the settings that determine the look and feel of posts and media in a listing or slideshow.
For examples of its use, please click on the shortcode in the table above for which you want to use the item_settings shortcode.

Item Sizes
width Only supported for slideshows and specifies the width of the slide.
Base options:
height Only supported for slideshows and specifies the height of the slide.
Base options:
Media - Thumbnail & Overlay
media_width Specifies the width of media, in pixels. It has an effect on both self hosted an external media and on thumbnails as well.

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the width attribute of the [post_media] and [post_thumbnail] shortcodes.

Base options:
media_height Specifies the height of media, in pixels. It has an effect on both self hosted an external media and on thumbnails as well.

Technically, this attribute the default value for the height attribute of the [post_media] and [post_thumbnail] shortcodes.

Base options:
media_sizing_method Specifies the sizing method for media (exact | max-cut | max-nocut).
  • exact: the media should be displayed in the size as specified by the media_width and media_height attributes.
  • max-cut: if the media is wider and higher than the area specified by the media_width and media_height attributes, then works the same as "Exact", otherwise if needed, the media will be cut down to fit the area, but will never be enlarged.
  • max-nocut: if the media is larger than the area specified by the media_width and media_height attributes, the media will be scaled down to fit the area while keeping the aspect ratio. In other words, it keep the aspect ratio and works the same as the CSS max-width and max-height properties.
Please note that the sizing method is always "max-nocut" for external media.

Technically, this attribute the default value for the "sizing_method" attribute of the [post_media] and [post_thumbnail] shortcodes.

Base options:
media_align Set the alignment of media (center | left | left_float | right | right_float). It has an effect on both self hosted an external media and on thumbnails as well.

Technically, this attribute the default value for the "align" attribute of the [post_media] and [post_thumbnail] shortcodes.

Base options:
media_show_frame Specifies whether to add a frame around media, or not (true | false). It has an effect on both self hosted an external media and on thumbnails as well.

Technically, this attribute the default value for the "show_frame" attribute of the [post_media] and [post_thumbnail] shortcodes.

Base options:
media_overlay The identifier of the overlay that should appear over media. It has an effect on both self hosted an external media and on thumbnails as well.
To get the identifier of an overlay, go to Templates » Overlays and click on the overlay. Here you will find the id of the overlay.
Please note that the hover_datas_to_show attribute has an effect on the overlay. It specifies which meta data is enabled to be shown.

Technically, this attribute the default value for the "overlay" attribute of the [post_media] and [post_thumbnail] shortcodes.

Base options:
More on Overlays.
hover_datas_to_show Specifies which data is enabled to be shown in the overlay (see media_overlay above). Supported values are a comma separated list of the following values: preview, read_more, title.
Base options:
Link settings
Specifies which URL the post title ([post_title] shortcode), the read more link and button (post_read_more and [read_more_button] shortcodes) and for image attachments (self hosted images) the image itself ([post_media] shortcode) should point to.
Supported values are a comma separated list of the following values:
  • permalink:
    • for posts and pages, point to the single post page
    • for self hosted media, point to the attachment page
    • for external media and slides, this value is not supported
  • additional:
    • for self hosted and external media, point to the URL specified by the Target URL option
    • for slides, point to the URL specified by the Slide Link option
    • for portfolio posts, point to the URL specified by the External URL option
    • for other types of posts, this value is not supported.
  • media:
    • for self hosted media, point to the attachment file
    • for external media, point to the source URL
    • for posts and pages, this value is not supported.
Default is "additional,permalink" for media and slides, and "permalink" for posts and pages.
For instance, "additional,permalink" means, if "additional" is empty use "permalink". Or similarly, "additional,media,permalink" means, if "additional" exists, use it, else if "media" exists use it, otherwise use "permalink".
Also see the thumbnail_link_to, media_as_link and show_title_as_link attributes.
Set whether to display the "read more" and "visit site" text as a button or link. ( button | link ).

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "type" attribute of the post_read_more and [post_visit_site] shortcodes.

Base options:
Specifies whether the post media should be displayed as a link or not ( true | false ). This settings has an effect only on thumbnails ([post_thumbnail] shortcode) and on image attachments (self hosted images).
In other words, this setting specifies whether the [post_thumbnail] shortcode should put the thumbnail into a link or not and whether the [post_media] shortcode should put image attachments into a link or not. For other types of media (external media and self hosted videos), the [post_media] shortcode never puts the media into a link.
Base options:
Also see the link_to, thumbnail_link_to and show_title_as_link attributes.
Specifies whether the post titles should appear as a link or a plain text ( true | false ).

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "show_as_link" attribute of the [post_title] shortcode.

Base options:
Specifies which URL the post thumbnail ([post_thumbnail] shortcode) should point to.
Supported values are a comma separated list of the following values:
  • permalink:
    • for posts and pages, point to the single post page
    • for self hosted media, point to the attachment page
    • for external media and slides, this value is not supported
  • additional:
    • for self hosted and external media, point to the URL specified by the Target URL option
    • for slides, point to the URL specified by the Slide Link option
    • for portfolio posts, point to the URL specified by the External URL option
    • for other types of posts, this value is not supported.
  • media:
    • for self hosted media, point to the attachment file
    • for external media, point to the source URL
    • for posts and pages, this value is not supported.
  • thumbnail_permalink: point to the attachment page of the thumbnail image.
  • thumbnail_additional: point to the URL specified by the Target URL option of the thumbnail image.
  • thumbnail_media: point to the attachment file of the thumbnail image.
Default is "additional,permalink" for media and slides, and "permalink" for posts and pages.
For instance, "additional,permalink" means, if "additional" is empty use "permalink". Or similarly, "additional,media,thumbnail_permalink" means, if "additional" exists, use it, else if "media" exists use it, otherwise use "thumbnail_permalink".
Also see the link_to, media_as_link and show_title_as_link attributes.
Post Layout
category_icon Specifies a category icon. Basically, the 'folder', 'nav', 'nav-2', 'nav-3', 'nav-4' and 'flag' icons are for categories, but you can use any icon. For a complete list of icons, see Font Icons.

If no category icon is specified, the skin settings of the theme determines the icon. If you want to hide the category icon, use the value of 'none'.

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "icon" attribute of the [post_category] shortcode.

Base options:
  • category icon skin settings of the theme (under Meta Info menu in the Theme Editor)
category_iconset Specifies the icon set that contains the category icon (see category_icon above). If no icon set is specified, the theme automatically tries to find an icon set that contains the icon.
For the supported icon sets, see Font Icons.

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "iconset" attribute of the [post_category] shortcode.

comments_icon Specifies a comments icon. Basically, the 'comment', 'comment-wire', 'comment-2', 'comment-wire-2', 'comment-3', 'comment-4', 'comment-5', 'comment-6', 'comment-7', 'comment-8', 'comments', 'comments-wire', 'comments-2' and 'comments-wire-2' icons are for comments, but you can use any icon. For a complete list of icons, see Font Icons.

If no comments icon is specified, the skin settings of the theme determines the icon. If you want to hide the comments icon, use the value of 'none'.

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "icon" attribute of the [post_comments_num] shortcode.

Base options:
  • comments icon skin settings of the theme (under Meta Info menu in the Theme Editor)
comments_iconset Specifies the icon set that contains the comments icon (see comments_icon above). If no icon set is specified, the theme automatically tries to find an icon set that contains the icon.
For the supported icon sets, see Font Icons.

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "iconset" attribute of the [post_comments_num] shortcode.

datas_to_show The meta data to show, separated by commas (author, caption, category, comments, date, preview, read_more, tags, title).

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "show_caption" attribute of the post_media and [post_thumbnail] shortcodes.

Base options:
date_icon Specifies a date icon. Basically, the 'time', 'time-2', 'time-3', 'time-4', 'time-5', 'hour-glass', 'calendar', 'calendar-2' and 'calendar-3' icons are for dates, but you can use any icon. For a complete list of icons, see Font Icons.

If no date icon is specified, the skin settings of the theme determines the icon. If you want to hide the date icon, use the value of 'none'.

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "icon" attribute of the [post_date] shortcode.

Base options:
  • date icon skin settings of the theme (under Meta Info menu in the Theme Editor)
date_iconset Specifies the icon set that contains the date icon (see date_icon above). If no icon set is specified, the theme automatically tries to find an icon set that contains the icon.
For the supported icon sets, see Font Icons.

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "iconset" attribute of the [post_date] shortcode.

excerpt_length Set the length of excerpts in characters. Works for both media descriptions and excerpts of posts.

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "excerpt_length" attribute of the [post_content] shortcode.

Base options:
excerpt_length_nothumb Set the excerpt length for posts that appear without thumbnail, in characters.

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "excerpt_length" attribute of the [post_content] shortcode.

Base options:
heading_class Specifies a CSS class for the heading of post titles. Default is an empty string.

The theme supports different classes for headings (see Headings) that allow you to display headings in different sizes, but you can also use custom CSS classes. An empty value means that the heading class is automatically calculated based on the number of columns in the list. The value of 'normal' means no need for heading class.

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "heading_class" attribute of the [post_title] shortcode.

heading_tag Specifies the HTML heading element of post titles.

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "heading_tag" attribute of the [post_title] shortcode.

Base options:
post_preview Specifies whether the whole content, the teaser, the excerpt or none of them should be shown.

Possible values: full, excerpt, teaser_excerpt, teaser, only_title.

Default is teaser_excerpt.

This attribute does not have an effect on media and slides, only posts.

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "post_preview" attribute of the [post_content] shortcode.

Base options:
post_template Specifies the identifier of the post template that should be used for the posts.
To get the identifier of a post template, go to Templates » Post Templates and click on the template. Here you will find the id of the template.
Base options:

More on Post Templates.

read_more_button_skin Set the skin of the read more button (available skins). Affects only if the read more text appears as a button (see link_type above).

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "skin" attribute of the [post_read_more] shortcode.

read_more_icon Specifies a read more icon. Basically, the 'arrow-right', 'arrow-right-2', 'arrow-right-3', 'arrow-right-4', 'arrow-right-5', 'arrow-right-6', 'arrow-right-7' and 'arrow-right-8' icons are for read more, but you can use any icon. For a complete list of icons, see Font Icons.

If no read more icon is specified, the skin settings of the theme determines the icon. If you want to hide the read more icon, use the value of 'none'.

This attribute has an effect only if the read more text appears as a link (see link_type above).

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "icon_after" attribute of the [post_read_more] shortcode.

Base options:
  • read more icon skin settings of the theme (under Meta Info menu in the Theme Editor)
read_more_iconset Specifies the icon set that contains the read more icon (see read_more_icon above). If no icon set is specified, the theme automatically tries to find an icon set that contains the icon.
For the supported icon sets, see Font Icons.

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "iconset_after" attribute of the [post_read_more] shortcode.

tag_icon Specifies a tag icon. Basically, the 'tag', 'tag-2', 'tag-3', 'tag-4', 'tag-5', 'paperclip', 'marker', 'marker-2', 'marker-3' icons are for tags, but you can use any icon. For a complete list of icons, see Font Icons.

If no tag icon is specified, the skin settings of the theme determines the icon. If you want to hide the tag icon, use the value of 'none'.

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "icon" attribute of the [post_tags] shortcode.

Base options:
  • tag icon skin settings of the theme (under Meta Info menu in the Theme Editor)
tag_iconset Specifies the icon set that contains the tag icon (see tag_icon above). If no icon set is specified, the theme automatically tries to find an icon set that contains the icon.
For the supported icon sets, see Font Icons.

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "iconset" attribute of the [post_tags] shortcode.

user_icon Specifies an icon to display for the post author. Basically, the 'user', 'user-2', 'users', 'users-2', 'v-card', 'v-card-2', 'v-card-3' and 'v-card-4' icons for authors, but you can use any icon. For a complete list of icons, see Font Icons.

If no user icon is specified, the skin settings of the theme determines the icon. If you want to hide the user icon, use the value of 'none'.

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "icon" attribute of the [post_author] shortcode.

Base options:
  • author icon skin settings of the theme (under Meta Info menu in the Theme Editor)
user_iconset Specifies the icon set that contains the user icon (see user_icon above). If no icon set is specified, the theme automatically tries to find an icon set that contains the icon.
For the supported icon sets, see Font Icons.

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "iconset" attribute of the [post_author] shortcode.

visit_site_button_skin Set the skin of the visit site button (available skins). Affects only if the visit site text appears as a button (see link_type above).

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "skin" attribute of the [post_visit_site] shortcode.

visit_site_icon Specifies a visit site icon. Basically, the 'arrow-right', 'arrow-right-2', 'arrow-right-3', 'arrow-right-4', 'arrow-right-5', 'arrow-right-6', 'arrow-right-7' and 'arrow-right-8' icons are for visit site, but you can use any icon. For a complete list of icons, see Font Icons.

If no visit site icon is specified, the skin settings of the theme determines the icon. If you want to hide the visit site icon, use the value of 'none'.

This attribute has an effect only if the visit site text appears as a link (see link_type above).

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "icon_after" attribute of the [post_visit_site] shortcode.

Base options:
  • visit site icon skin settings of the theme (under Meta Info menu in the Theme Editor)
visit_site_iconset Specifies the icon set that contains the visit site icon (see visit_site_icon above). If no icon set is specified, the theme automatically tries to find an icon set that contains the icon.
For the supported icon sets, see Font Icons.

Technically, this attribute specifies the default value for the "iconset_after" attribute of the [post_visit_site] shortcode.

Shortcode Supported in
Post List shortcodes
Supported in
[gallery_list] shortcode
Supported in
[slideshow] shortcode
Supported in
[slider_custom_slides] shortcode
[popup_gallery_settings] Yes Yes Yes Yes

Popup slideshows can be opened from both listings and slideshows. The [popup_gallery_settings] shortcode allows you to specify their settings.

Enable this option if you want to open popup slideshows from a listing or slideshow (true | false).

There are two shortcodes that are designed to open popup slideshows: the [gallery_button] and [popup_opener] shortcodes. If you select an overlay or post template for the posts (media_overlay and post_template attributes of a nested [item_settings] shortcode) that contains a [gallery_button] or [popup_opener] shortcode, then clicking on it will open a popup slideshow. The popup slideshow will display the given gallery (popup_galleries option below) of the corresponding post or all posts based on the setting of the "separate" option (see below).

For performance reasons, do not enable this option if you don't need popup galleries.
Comma separated list of galleries that should be open in the popup slideshow. For instance, "gallery1" means that the popup slideshow will display the "gallery1" gallery of posts, while "gallery1, gallery2" means that the popup slideshow will display both the "gallery1" and "gallery2" galleries of posts.
Additionally, there are two special values:
  • _default: identifies the default gallery. For instance, "_default" means the same as an empty string, "_default, gallery1" means that the popup slideshow will display both the default gallery and the "gallery1" gallery of posts.
  • _same: the popup slideshow will display the same gallery (same posts) as the listing/slideshow.
    It works when the gallery is specified directly ("galleries" attribute of the [slideshow] and [gallery_list] shortcodes) and also when the slideshow or post list displays the result of a query ([query] shortcode nested into a [slideshow] or [post_list] shortcode).
    For instance, if you have a gallery containing 5 videos and every video has a thumbnail, you can display the thumbnails as a carousel slideshow or a list and clicking on the thumbnails opens a popup slideshow displaying the videos. Or for instance, you can display the thumbnails of the 5 latest posts in the carousel slideshow or a list and clicking on the thumbnails a popup slideshow opens displaying full size thumbnails, post titles and descriptions. See this demo page, it demonstrates the use the the "_same" value for post list pages.
Specifies whether the popup slideshow should display the given gallery (popup_galleries option above) of only the corresponding post or all posts (true | false).
For instance, if the popup_galleries option is set to '_default', then:
  • if the separate_popup_galleries option is enabled, then the popup slideshow will display only the default gallery of the corresponding post
  • if the separate_popup_galleries option is disabled, then the popup slideshow will display the default galleries of all posts
Specifies the identifier of the gallery popup (popup slideshow).
To get the identifier of a gallery popup, go to Popups » Gallery Popups and click on the popup. Here you will find the id of the popup.
There is a special value "_determined_by_gallery" that means that the (first) displayed gallery determines the gallery popup.
For further details, please see Popup Slideshows.


Shortcode Supported in
Post List shortcodes
Supported in
[gallery_list] shortcode
Supported in
[slideshow] shortcode
Supported in
[slider_custom_slides] shortcode
[pagination_settings] Yes No No No

Allows you to specify the settings of the pagination for a post listing.

ajax Set whether to use AJAX pagination or not (true | false). Default is false.
load_more_above_bottom Specifies the vertical distance from the bottom of the post list in pixels from where more content is being loaded dynamically when the user scrolls beyond. Default is 300.
This option has only effect if the "type" attribute is set to "scroll" or "more_button_scroll".
align Sets the alignment of pagination. If this attribute is not specified, the value will be taken from 'Theme Options' > General.
paging_animation Here you can set an animation effect for AJAX pagination.
  • none - none
  • cards - Cards
  • fade - Fade
  • localmove - Local Move
  • localmove_left_left - Local Move Left In Left Out
  • localmove_left_right - Local Move Left In Right Out
  • localmove_left_random - Local Move Left In Random Out
  • localmove_right_right - Local Move Right In Right Out
  • localmove_right_left - Local Move Right In Left Out
  • localmove_right_random - Local Move Right In Random Out
  • localmove_random_random - Local Move Random In Random Out
  • localmove_random_left - Local Move Random In Left Out
  • localmove_random_right - Local Move Random In Right Out
  • move - Move
  • move_left_left - Move Left In Left Out
  • move_left_right - Move Left In Right Out
  • move_left_random - Move Left In Random Out
  • move_right_right - Move Right In Right Out
  • move_right_left - Move Right In Left Out
  • move_right_random - Move Right In Random Out
  • move_random_random - Move Random In Random Out
  • move_random_left - Move Random In Left Out
  • move_random_right - Move Random In Right Out
  • scale - Scale
paging_duration Specifies the duration of the paging animation, in milliseconds. 0 means that the duration is calculated automatically. Default is 0.
type Specifies the type of the pagination (text | number | more_button | more_button_scroll | scroll).
  • text - default WordPress pagination (a previous and next link)
  • number - numerical pagination
  • more_button - a single button that allows to load more content
  • more_button_scroll - initially a more button then, if the user clicks on it, works the same as "scroll"
  • scroll - automatically load more posts as the user scrolls down the list
The 'scroll' and 'more_button_scroll' pagination types require Ajax pagination. Also see the load_more_above_bottom attribute.
If this attribute is not specified, the value will be taken from the "Page navigation type" option under Theme Options » General.
show Specifies whether the pagination should be displayed or not (true | false). Default is 'false'.


Shortcode Supported in
Post List shortcodes
Supported in
[gallery_list] shortcode
Supported in
[slideshow] shortcode
Supported in
[slider_custom_slides] shortcode
[browsing_filter_settings] Yes No No No

Allows you to specify the settings of browsing filters for a post listing.

show Specifies whether categories should be displayed as browsing filters or not (true | false). Default is false.
Browsing filters are displayed only if more than one category exists.
show_all_filter Set whether to add the 'All' filter to the browsing filters or not. Default is true.
show_child_cats_as_filter Specifies whether the child categories of the selected categories should be shown as browsing filters (true | false). Default is false.


Shortcode Supported in
Post List shortcodes
Supported in
[gallery_list] shortcode
Supported in
[slideshow] shortcode
Supported in
[slider_custom_slides] shortcode
[general_settings] No No Yes Partially -
hide_slides attribute is supported, others not

Allows you to override the general settings of a slideshow. You will find these settings in the "General" section on the Edit Slideshow Sreen (Slideshows » Slideshows).

slideshow_template Specifies the identifier of the slideshow template used for the slideshow.
To get the identifier of a slideshow template, go to Templates » Slideshow Templates and click on the template. Here you will find the id of the template.
Overrides the Slideshow Template option of the slideshow.
classname Space separated list of CSS classes to add to the container element of the slideshow.
Overrides the CSS Class option of the slideshow.
active_idx Specifies the zero-based index of the slide that should be initially active.
Overrides the Active Slide Index option of the slideshow.
hide_slides * Select the slides you want to hide from search engines (no | all_except_active | all).
Overrides the Hide Slides From Search Engines option of the slideshow.
orientation Select whether the slider should be horizontal or vertical (horizontal | vertical).
Overrides the Orientation option of the slideshow.
slide_align Specifies the default alignment of slides in the direction corresponding to the orientation of the slider (left_or_top | right_or_bottom | center | direction).
Overrides the Slide Align option of the slideshow.
slide_op_orient_align Specifies the alignment of slides in the direction opposite to the orientation of the slider (left_or_top | right_or_bottom | center).
Overrides the Slide Align - Opposite Direction option of the slideshow.
slide_align_horizontal Specifies the horizonal alignment of slides (left | center | right).
Overrides the Horizontal Slide Alignment option of the slideshow.
slide_align_vertical Specifies the vertical alignment of slides (top | center | bottom).
Overrides the Vertical Slide Alignment option of the slideshow.
overscroll Specifies the amount of space before the first and after the last slide (none | min | max)
Overrides the Overscroll option of the slideshow.
circular Specifies whether the slider should be circular, or not (true | false).
Overrides the Circular option of the slideshow.
slides_per_page Specifies the number of slides in a page.
Overrides the Slides Per Page option of the slideshow.
pause_on_over Select whether slide transitions should be paused when the mouse is over the slideshow, the slides or no need to pause transitions (slideshow | slides | none).
Overrides the Pause Autoplay On Over option of the slideshow.
pause_type Specifies the type of pause (soft | hard).
Overrides the Pause Type option of the slideshow.
slide_activation Select whether clicking on a slide activates it or not (none | click).
Overrides the Slide Activation option of the slideshow.
auto_slide_align Select whether the slides should be aligned automatically after dragging and scrolling (true | false).
Overrides the Auto Slide Align option of the slideshow.
* attribute is supported within a [slider_custom_slides] shortcode also


Shortcode Supported in
Post List shortcodes
Supported in
[gallery_list] shortcode
Supported in
[slideshow] shortcode
Supported in
[slider_custom_slides] shortcode
[dimension_settings] No No Yes No

Allows you to override the dimensions of a slideshow. You will find these settings in the "Dimensions" section on the Edit Slideshow Sreen (Slideshows » Slideshows).

width Specifies the width of slideshow, in pixels.
Overrides the Slideshow Width option of the slideshow.
height Specifies the height of slideshow, in pixels.
Overrides the Slideshow Height option of the slideshow.
flex_height Select whether the height of the slideshow should be reduced when there is not enough vertical space for the slideshow (true | false).
Overrides the Flexible Height option of the slideshow.
inner_view_width Specifies the width of the inner view.
Overrides the Inner View Width option of the slideshow.
inner_view_height Specifies the height of the inner view.
Overrides the Inner View Height option of the slideshow.
inner_view_flex_height Specifies whether the height of the inner view should be reduced when there is not enough vertical space for it (true | false).
Overrides the Inner View Flexible Height option of the slideshow.
context_dep_slide_width Specifies whether the slide width should depend on the context or the content of the slide (true | false).
Overrides the Context Dependent Slide Width option of the slideshow.
slides_scale_down Specifies whether the slides should be scaled down when they are wider/higher then the visible area (true | false).
Overrides the Scale Slides option of the slideshow.
scale_highlight_slides_num Specifies the maximum number of slides to highlight.
Overrides the Scale Highlighting - Number of slides to highlight option of the slideshow.
scale_highlight_min_scale Specifies the scale amount of non-highlighted slides.
Overrides the Scale Highlighting - Minimum scale option of the slideshow.
scale_highlight_overlap Specifies the measure of overlap of slides.
Overrides the Scale Highlighting - Overlap option of the slideshow.
* attribute is supported within a [slider_custom_slides] shortcode also


Shortcode Supported in
Post List shortcodes
Supported in
[gallery_list] shortcode
Supported in
[slideshow] shortcode
Supported in
[slider_custom_slides] shortcode
[transition_settings] No No Yes No

Allows you to override the transition settings of a slideshow.

type Specifies the type of the transiton which settings you want to overwrite.
Possible values: default, absolute, relative, autoplay.
If the type is not specified, the default transition settings will be overridden.
Default Transitions
enable_autoplay Specifies the state of autoplay after the transition (enable | disable | no_change).
Overrides the Autoplay After Transition option of the slideshow.
slide_align Specifies the alignment of slides at the end of the transition (auto | dir).
Overrides the Slide Align option of the slideshow.
change_active Specifies whether the transition should change the active slide or not (no_change | change).
Overrides the Change Active Slide option of the slideshow.
active_pos Specifies the position of the active slide relative to the alignment of slides.
Overrides the Active Slide Position option of the slideshow.
move_slides Specifies when you want the slides to be scrolled (always | visible | inward).
Overrides the Move Slides option of the slideshow.
anim_duration Specifies the duration of the transition animation, in milliseconds.
Overrides the Animation Duration option of the slideshow.
min_speed Specifies the minimum number of pixels the slides should be scrolled by during the transition animation per second.
Overrides the Minimum Scrolling Speed option of the slideshow.
anim_type Specifies the type of the transition animation.
Overrides the Animation Type option of the slideshow.
anim_easing Specifies the easing of the transition animation.
Overrides the Animation Easing option of the slideshow.
Type-specific Transition Options
Relative Transitions
unit Specifies the unit of the transition (slide | page | view | view_slide_boundary | px | %).
Overrides the Unit option of the slideshow.
value The amount of units to scroll by.
Overrides the Value option of the slideshow.
end_action Set the action that should be taken when the transition cannot be performed because the slides are scrolled to the start/end position (stop | rewind | turn_back).
Overrides the End Action option of the slideshow.
Autoplay Transition
dir Select the direction of the autoplay animation (empty string | prev | next).
Overrides the Direction option of the slideshow.
delay Specifies the delay time, in milliseconds, before the transition begins.
Overrides the Delay option of the slideshow.


Shortcode Supported in
Post List shortcodes
Supported in
[gallery_list] shortcode
Supported in
[slideshow] shortcode
Supported in
[slider_custom_slides] shortcode
[autoplay_settings] No No Yes No

Allows you to override the settings of the automatic playing in a slideshow.

enabled Enable or disable automatic playing. (true | false).
Overrides the Enable Autoplay option of the slideshow.
show_autoplay_button Specifies whether to show the play/pause buttons, or not. (true | false).
Overrides the Show Autoplay Button option of the slideshow.
autoplay_button_visibility Specifies whether the autoplay button should be always visible, only when it is enabled or only when the mouse hovers over the slideshow (always | enabled | hover | hover_hide_change).
Overrides the Autoplay Button Visibility option of the slideshow.
autoplay_button_skin Specifies the skin for the autoplay button (empty string | light | dark).
Overrides the Autoplay Button Skin option of the slideshow.
autoplay_button_shape Specifies the shape of the autoplay button (empty string | simple | square | square_border | square_small | square_small_border | square_medium | square_medium_border | rect | disc | disc_border | disc_small | disc_small_border | disc_medium | disc_medium_border | halfdisc).
Overrides the Autoplay Button Shape option of the slideshow.
play_icon Set the icon of the play button. For a complete list of icons, see Font Icons. If you want to hide the icon, use the value of 'none'.
Overrides the Play Button Icon option of the slideshow.
pause_icon Set the icon of the pause button. For a complete list of icons, see Font Icons. If you want to hide the icon, use the value of 'none'.
Overrides the Pause Button Icon option of the slideshow.
show_timeline Specifies whether to show the autoplay progress line, or not (true | false).
Overrides the Show Timeline option of the slideshow.
timeline_skin Specifies the skin for the timeline (empty string | light | dark).
Overrides the Timeline Skin option of the slideshow.


Shortcode Supported in
Post List shortcodes
Supported in
[gallery_list] shortcode
Supported in
[slideshow] shortcode
Supported in
[slider_custom_slides] shortcode
[prev_next_settings] No No Yes No

Allows you to override the settings of the previous and next navigation and dragging in a slideshow.

show Specifies whether to show the previous and next navigation buttons, or not (true | false).
Overrides the Show Prev/Next Buttons option of the slideshow.
visibility Specifies whether the previous and next navigation buttons should be always visible, only when they are enabled or only when the mouse hovers over the slideshow (always | enabled | hover | hover_hide_change).
Overrides the Prev/Next Buttons Visibility option of the slideshow.
skin Specifies the skin for the previous and next buttons (empty string | light | dark).
Overrides the Prev/Next Buttons Skin option of the slideshow.
shape Specifies the shape of the previous and next buttons (empty string | simple | square | square_border | square_small | square_small_border | square_medium | square_medium_border | rect | disc | disc_border | disc_small | disc_small_border | disc_medium | disc_medium_border | halfdisc | fullsize).
Overrides the Prev/Next Buttons Shape option of the slideshow.
prev_icon Sets the icon of the previous button. Empty string means that the icon is selected automatically. For a complete list of icons, see Font Icons. If you want to hide the icon, use the value of 'none'.
Overrides the Previous Button Icon option of the slideshow.
next_icon Sets the icon of the next button. Empty string means that the icon is selected automatically. For a complete list of icons, see Font Icons. If you want to hide the icon, use the value of 'none'.
Overrides the Next Button Icon option of the slideshow.
pause_on_over Specifies whether the slideshow should be paused when the mouse is over the previous or next button (true | false).
Overrides the Pause Autoplay On Over option of the slideshow.
enable_key_navigation Specifies whether keyboard navigation is allowed, or not (true | false).
Overrides the Enable Keyboard Navigation option of the slideshow.
repeat_delay Holding down the left mouse button or your finger on the previous or next navigation button changes the slides continuously. The same happens when the keyboard navigation is enabled and you hold down the left or right arrow key. The "Repeat Delay" option allows you to specify the pause time between slide transitions, in milliseconds. A negative value means that automatic playing is disabled.
Overrides the Repeat Delay option of the slideshow.
drag_support Specifies the devices you want the drag support to be enabled for (none | mouse | touch | all).
Overrides the Drag Support option of the slideshow.


Shortcode Supported in
Post List shortcodes
Supported in
[gallery_list] shortcode
Supported in
[slideshow] shortcode
Supported in
[slider_custom_slides] shortcode
[navigation_settings] No No Yes No

Allows you to override the navigation settings of a slideshow.

type Specifies the type of the navigation (nonavigation | custom | images | image_no_border | numbers | disc | rect).
Overrides the Navigation Type option of the slideshow.
skin Specifies the skin of the navigation (available skins).
Overrides the Navigation Skin option of the slideshow.
visibility Specifies whether the navigation should be always visible or only when the mouse hovers over the slideshow (always | hover | hover_hide_change).
Overrides the Navigation Visibility option of the slideshow.
pause_on_over Specifies whether the slideshow should be paused when the mouse is over the navigation, or not (true | false).
Overrides the Pause Autoplay On Over option of the slideshow.
show_tooltip Specifies whether to show a tooltip over the navigation items or not (true | false).
Works for all navigation types excluding the custom one.
Overwrites the Show Tooltip option of the slideshow.
event Specifies the event that should trigger the slide transition (click | mousedown | mouseenter).
Overrides the Event option of the slideshow.
unit Specifies the unit of the navigation. (slide | page).
Overrides the Navigation Unit option of the slideshow.
align Specifies the alignment of the navigation (left | center | right).
Overrides the Alignment option of the slideshow.
item_width Specifies the width of the navigation items, in pixels.
Overrides the Navigation Item Width option of the slideshow.
item_height Specifies the height of the navigation items, in pixels.
Overrides the Navigation Item Height option of the slideshow.
scale_down Specifies whether the navigation should be scaled down if there is no enough space for it or the items should be displayed in multiple rows (true | false).
Overrides the Scale Down setting of the slideshow.
By default, the same gallery is used for the navigation as for the slideshow (slides), but you can change this behavior.
Currently, only the _parent_post value is supported that means that the gallery used for the navigation will contain the parent posts of the gallery items used for the slideshow.
Overwrites the Map Gallery setting of the slideshow.


Shortcode Supported in
Post List shortcodes
Supported in
[gallery_list] shortcode
Supported in
[slideshow] shortcode
Supported in
[slider_custom_slides] shortcode
[range_settings] No No Yes No

Allows you to override the settings of the range control in a slideshow.

show Specifies whether to show a range navigation, or not (true | false).
Overrides the Show Range Navigation option of the slideshow.
skin Specifies a skin for the thumb of the range navigation (empty string | light | dark).
Overrides the Thumb Skin option of the slideshow.
anim_duration Specifies how long the thumb should take, in milliseconds, to move to a new position.
Overrides the Animation Duration option of the slideshow.
anim_easing Specifies an easing for the thumb animation.
Overrides the Animation Easing option of the slideshow.